Reality Chic

Posts Tagged ‘magazine news

Wearing the same go-to outfit for every event can get tiring! A belt can literally change your entire look. It will draw everyone’s eyes from the same black turtleneck you’ve worn for 2 years to your new brightly colored or detailed belt.

Best part about it…they are CHEAP! Rather than spending your money on a shirt you might wear once, buy a belt you can wear multiple ways, multiple times.

Not only can a belt change a look. It can accentuate your shape.

Forever 21 at ShopStyle

Need curves? Cinch the belt at the smallest part of your waist which will give you the effect of an hour-glass shape. Want to draw attention to the bust? Cinch the belt right below your chest. Want to make your legs look longer? A pair of heels and a belt will do the trick.
So next time…Buckle it, Belt it, and Wear it!

It seems that there has been a growing epidemic of boots. But wait…not just any boot. I’m talking about Fuggs and Uggs! If you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, please let me explain. It’s the sheep skin glory of Uggs, the Australian boot that has been made and modeled over and over by many other brands due to the price that is only affordable if you’re on a plan to share your boots with an actual Aussie friend ( which is doubtful). If you walk on any high school or college campus you’re bound to see multiple girls wearing these boots, but the question remains, are they Uggs or Fuggs? This you might not ever know unless you zoom in on the little tag that declares Uggs!

In light of my Christmas gift, Fuggs, I thought it was only appropriate to celebrate the bargain of these shoes. After all, they are 1/4 the price of Australian Uggs, mainly thanks to stores like Payless, J.C. Penney, and Zappos. So rather than saving and saving or the likelihood of finding an Aussie to share your shoes with, I suggest sticking to the fake sheep skin and saving a little dough! This is one trend that won’t be gone for a while and one that you should simply own up! So may mine and your shoes look as stylish as the next (even if they are technically fake).

Did you hear about the new magical make-up?! It takes away wrinkles, pores, neck lines, and any blemishes you may have.  And if you don’t believe it, just look at the model of Lancome Paris Oscillation Power Foundation. A picture can say a thousand words…right?

Make-up at its best can help you have a smoother and more polished look. However, it doesn’t vanish wrinkles, pores, neck lines, or magically make your face inhumane. If you’re looking to get rid of wrinkles (try Botox), hairlessness (try laser hair removal), blemishes (try creams), and pores (try Photoshop).

The fact is these ads for make-up, hair, lip stick, fashion, and etc… are promoting their product which is one thing, but when the product they are promoting shows pictures of models with a blatantly unattainable look no matter how much stuff you slab on your face, hair, or body, it’s a bit ridiculous.  In this article I’m simply choosing to mock Lancome Paris; however, there are many other brands and magazines out their that are doing exactly the same thing.

You may not think it affects you by any means, but we are turning into a society where trying to be more healthy and beautiful hasn’t just become a desire but an obsession.  Honestly, how can you blame people when they are striving for a look they simply will never achieve?!  So next time you see a magazine promoting an ad with perfection as its underlying tagline, look for something else . You’ll be doing yourself a favor.

Man cleavage?  How do we really feel about this upcoming trend for the men. I mean I’m pretty sure we can all agree “man boobs” are not so cool nor will they ever….ever…ever.. be!  This trend of men unbuttoning their top two buttons without a shirt underneath or deep cut v-necks revealing the oh so or not so muscular chest of certain men might be a trend that needs to be stopped?

While I wouldn’t mind seeing Mathew McConaughey’s man cleavage (after all we’ve seen him with his shirt off about a million times).  I’m not so sure how I feel about seeing anyone elses.  Is this a trend we really want to pass on to the men in our lives:  uncles, dads, grandpas, and those with so-called “man boobs”?  I think not! Well…actually I know NOT! 

 It’s not often that I have to say this, but it would be highly depressing and degrading to see a man have more cleavage than myself. Right ladies?  So as much as deep cut v-necks and unbuttoning button ups are in right now.  Let’s put a stop to this so-called trend for men.  And for those of you men out there who won’t stop…my advice to you is subtlety. Do we really need more people showing off their cleavage in the world…even if it is coming from a man?!! You make the call, but i’m going to say NO!

Often times it seems like there is a disconnect between the “real world” and parts of the “fashion world”.  I believe this is partly due to the fact that if you are a celebrity, live in NYC, or LA you can basically get by with wearing whatever you want.  As cool as this sounds (wearing whatever you want) it can sometimes create an illusion well…that you can wear whatever you want.  However, for the other millions of people who don’t live in the city, aren’t immune to public criticism, or aren’t a celebrity, wearing an outlandish outfit or dress that barely covers your butt, is going to get you some dirty looks and don’t be naive to think you won’t be a topic of conversation.

So how are we “real” people suppose to differentiate from what the top “stars” or fashion magazines advise us to wear this season. Listen to our “real” instincts! 

1. First, if the style is not flattering don’t wear it! For example… who in their right mind would wear harem pants besides M.C. Hammer (and is he really in his right mind)?!  There is nothing flattering about having a baggy crotch hanging low while the pant tightens around your ankles.

2. Second, if it’s never been in style it’s not going to magically come back in.  I was flipping through a popular magazine where the models were each wearing a different patterned skirt with a different patterned top that didn’t match.  Not only are patterns difficult to match, but wearing mismatched patterns together have never and will never be in style. When wearing this look, it’s as if they dressed in the dark. Matching colors and patterns together to compliment or accent each other won’t ever go out of style, so why try to change it?!

3. Third, the futuristic look won’t be in style  in 2010 and won’t be in style in 2030.  Just because it’s the future doesn’t mean we will all suddenly forget about comfort and start dressing like robots! Seriously.

There is something to be said about being fashionable without having to look like a fool. Some celebs and designers have this down while others seem to live in another world.  So for those of us “real” people who want to be stylish and trust in fashion magazines to guide us in the right way, don’t take that risk. Use your common sense! Don’t have any? Find a friend to help. Just remember, there is a difference in taking a risk and wearing something completely awful. Example: risk = leopard print shoes with a colored dress, hideousness= see through lace top or lace leggings.

I come from a long line of (forgive me family) big calved women. I have yet to inherit this trait (although after this article I am bound to)! Anyhow, my family members have relentlessly told me how difficult it is to find boots to fit over their pleasantly plump calves (a.k.a the muscular ones). 

 So it was to my great surprise to find this awesome blog by Ashley Falcon where she discusses the difficulty of women like herself who have had trouble finding boots. Who would have thought, my fam was telling the truth after all?!  Boot problem..check! While solving fashion problems can sometimes be difficult, it seems we nipped this one in the bud, thank goodness!   Next time you think about squeezing and shoving that calf of yours into a boot that’s screaming STOP IT, remember these brands: Sudini, Nine West, and Rockport!  So what are you waiting for…Go Out and Get Your Boot !!!

What’s In or Out Going Into 2010! 

In- Taking your dog to doggy parks.

Out- Carrying your dog in a bag.

In- Cigarette Pants

Out- Smoking them

In- Gladiator Heels

Out- Gladiator Flats

In- Dancing with a DIVA

Out- Acting like one

In- Golfers

Out- Tiger Woods

In- Bragging about your $5.00 shirt

Out- Bragging about your Louis Vuitton Purse

In- Publicity for a show

Out- Publicity for a SHOW (balloon boy)

In- Wendy’s Baconater

Out- Swine Flu

Feel free to add to the list…!

It’s been famously said that “Beauty is Pain”, and honestly how can you not agree?!  Ever since the days with corsets, girdles, and hoop skirts women around the world have not strayed far from the uncomfortable apparel to look good in the eye of society, and not too much has changed after all this time.  We may not wear corsets or girdles everyday instead we’ve graduated to far better things like stilettos, heeled boots, and even Spanx!  Of course these are all things which make us look better none which are comfortable by any means.  I, like many girls out there, often try to convince myself that wearing cute shoes all day is worth it!  That is until I come home to blisters, soreness, and my pride all which does nothing to help the throbbing pain in my feet. 

Sure we women have rallied throughout time…women running for president, women CEO’s, women’s professional sports, and more, but I hate to be the bearer of bad news!  We haven’t come quite as far as we thought in the fashion world.  From not being able to breathe to elevating our height at a steep slant to wearing undergarments that force fat into unknown places. It’s amazing that at some point our common sense has yet to sink in.

Where did comfort get lost in the mix and growth of fashion throughout all these years?!!  Will our only resort be Dr. Schultz cushions and cotton clothes??  If so…here’s a toast to the next 100 years of beauty and pain.  May your feet be pedicured (often), stomach be sucked in (frequently), and prayers for comfort and style  to be combined be answered (soon…preferrably).

“Free jeans for everyone!!”  It’s a phrase all women would love to hear and only those in the Oprah audience experience.  For the rest of the other  million women out there free jeans will just have to wait.  Jeans are the one article of clothing that seem to get the most questions and stand as the ultimate mystery piece that will continue to befuddle ( yes, befuddle is an official word now) women every”wear”.  I might not be able to solve the problem of finding the perfect jean for every body type, but I am hopefully going to help solve some jean mysteries that will make shopping for them a heck of lot easier! 

I will first start off by saying the only jeans that you can wash multiple times and miraculously stay the same size are designer jeans!  The price is normally anywhere from $150 – $300; however, it is an investment worth  making.  Designer examples:  7 for all Mankind, William Rast, CJ by Cookie Johnson, and True Religion.

Stay away from bulging pockets, pleats, or anything that has an extra layer to a jean.  Pockets with flaps can often make you look bigger without you even realizing it. A great article to check out is:

It explains what makes your butt look good in a jean!!

Understand the rises of the jean. Mid-rise are the absolute best for covering the problem area also known as the stomach.  Avoid low-rise especially if your stomach is your problem area.  High-waisted jeans should be worn with a caution sticker attached.  We’ve all seen the seen the Jessica Simpson photos that infamously claimed she looked large.  She looked large because she was wearing TERRIBLE jeans!  High-waisted jeans only look good on tiny waisted people, and if you have big boobs you should avoid them at all times.  You’ll look as if you have no torso which is quite frankly unflattering! 

Color is another important factor in the jean world.  Dark denim is often more flattering to the figure than a lighter wash.

The best style for majority of women is normally a boot-cut.  However, skinny jeans are great for showing off your legs or for tucking them into boots!  Flare and Wide Leg are another way to make a statement and can accentuate your shoes rather than your thighs.

If feeling frustrated and flustered when shopping for a jean, there is no better time to break through the misery and discover your perfect jean!  Just a friendly reminder…don’t let the  jean tackle you…go out and tackle the jean!

While surfing  through my every day blogs and magazines on the internet, I started thinking about some of the weird celeb fashion that I’ve recently been looking at on the internet.  It has definitely absorbed a lot of my free time online ( well… that and Facebook), and I know there are many others bored in their jobs or have subscriptions to mags that are equally entertained by these celeb pics. They often read: Who was a hit or miss last night? or Who is on the worst and best dressed list on the red carpet?

However, it has become the job of many reporters to look at what these celebs wear not only on the red carpet but on a daily basis as well.  Even worse than that, many have now started analyzing what celeb’s kids are wearing.  I’m thinking the obsession might have just crossed the line?!  What is more degrading than looking at a celeb kid and realizing you’re never going to afford what Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Suri Cruise, or Paris Hilton’s dog is wearing?  Or should I ask what is more degrading than reporting about Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Suri Cruise, or Paris Hilton’s Dog?  And is it kind of embarrassing to be comparing our wardrobe to a 5-year-old or a chiuwuawa? Possibly.

My question I’m asking is do we really care??  Is it that big of deal what Jennifer Aniston wore to the airport or what shoes Suri Cruise went to the playground in?  I think not. 

So I’m offering advice to those like myself and who are surfing the net for some healthy entertainment.  Let’s take control of our lives, skip the Celeb Kids section, and move on to better forms of healthy entertainment like internet games (sarcasm)!

Reality Chic: Because real people don't wear sparkle pants to Olive Garden!

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